March 19, 2022
In today’s fast paced world where very often one seldom makes contact with their next door neighbour, you can be missing out on free real estate advice and the opportunity to build generational wealth. Your neighbour may well be a Real Estate Agent/Broker. Reach out to your community Realtor today and begin your real estate journey to real financial independence.
First time owners looking for starter homes have been left behind. In the USA starter homes average prices have moved up. According to data from the National Association of Realtors, the average price for a starter home increased from $233,400 in 2019 to $307,400 by the end of 2021. In Saint Lucia prices are static but this is likely to change in the near term, especially in the area of land sales which has been reasonable active throughout COVID 19.
Rentals are at an all time low and rates are falling. This is really an ideal time for persons seeking to move residence to secure a lease on an apartment, especially in the South of the island. Demand will increase in the second quarter of 2022 as the Government Annual Budget Allocations kick in and the economy begins to bounce back. Many jobs will open up in the South as projects restart and new ones get off the ground.
Now that COVID 19 is on the decline with Governments relaxing the protocols and citizens are taking back their lives, the real estate industry in St. Lucia is poised to bounce back by the third quarter of 2022. Members of the St. Lucia Diaspora will begin to visit their homeland and Foreign Direct Investors will commence looking outward to make investments beyond their shores. St. Lucia Citizens by Investment Programme (CIP) continues to receive outstanding reviews. Check out the opportunities that are available at www.cipsaintlucia.com With the level of instability in the world today, wealthy individuals are heading to areas that are stable and peaceful.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad in a recent YouTube video declared that he does not buy stocks, he invests in real estate. In my earlier life, when I worked as CEO of a group, I always said to persons pitching investments at me that there are better ways to invest other than in buying stocks.
My task is to make potential clients aware of the deals available in St. Lucia by visiting my website at https://stluciagreatpropertydeals.com However, I am not limited to properties appearing on my website. I co-broke with other agents/brokers throughout St. Lucia and I am always ready to assist you in finding your dream property. St. Lucia Great Property Deals slogan is “tell us your needs, we bring the Experts together.”
Look out for my first E-book release for 2022 in my next Blog. In the meantime, please feel free to catch up on my blogs at https://stluciagreatpropertydeals.com/blog/
Stay Healthy, Stay Safe. Let us talk soon!
Edward Harris
Mobile/WhatsApp: 1-758-485-1456