Hello from Saint Lucia

Everything is falling in place, the planes are back, tourists and residents are arriving. American Airline is offering its daily flights. Jet Blue and Delta are catching up.

Let us pray that our beautiful island remains COVID19 Free. The citizens are now free to move around 24 hours a day. The curfew has been suspended but the State of Emergency is still in place.

The real estate industry is moving ahead in the USA and in some areas, there are beginning to experience a shortage of inventory. Enquiries are coming through for properties and once people begin to feel confident in travelling, the local industry will soon step up.

These are times of anxiety which are further exasperated by the politics of the day. Guyana is yet to resolve the 4 month elections impasse, Suriname has finally named a President, Trinidad & Tobago goes to the polls on August 10, 2020, while Saint Lucia and St. Vincent & The Grenadines are getting ready to announce a date. Unless political matters are settled, businesses in the region will remain in a state of uncertainty. As a result, there will be a lack of momentum in the local and regional real estate industry.

In the meantime, property prices are holding steady and new properties are coming on the market. This is a good time to let your agent know that you are looking for a property or you are seeking to develop a property investment portfolio. Have a conversation with your Realtor.

Please feel free to look over our website and see what is available, but most importantly – talk with your Realtor. Be sure to request one of our Free E-books. The books are guides to establishing commercial activities and investing in Real Estate.

Let us continue to pray for a return to normalcy so that life can truly realise its joys!

Stay Safe!


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